Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Meeting of Monday 8/4/1437 (18/1/2016): Case scenarios in pediatric asthma management.

Reviewing and using the NAEPP-ERP3 Guidelines.

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Meeting of Monday 1/4/1437 (11/1/2016): Cow's Milk Allergy

Main pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical presentations.

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Meeting of Monday 24/3/1437 (4/1/2016): Genotyping Hemoglobinopathies

Main laboratory tests helping in hemoglobinopathy diagnosis. The role of genotyping.

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Meeting of Monday 18/2/1437 (30/11/2015): Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

... and other ID topics relevant to our PICU (PPE, ESBLs)

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Meeting of Monday 11/2/1437 (23/11/2015): Discussion of 3 cases in Pediatric Neurology

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Meeting of Monday 4/2/1437 (16/11/2015): Pediatric Hypertension

Definition, causes and initial evaluation.

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