Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Meeting of 4/1/1438 (5/10/2016): Basic Introduction to Peritoneal Dialysis

Emphasis on peritoneal catheter insertion protocol and postoperative care.
Principles of peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal solutions. Dialysis regiments.
Initial PD prescription in children. Peritoneal equilibrium test and dialysis adequacy indices.

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Infectious Diseases - Review Series


3. Etiologic agents

3.1. Gram positive cocci
3.1.1. Staphylococci Staphylococcus aureus
3.1.2. Streptococci Group A streptococci (S.pyogenes)

3.2. Gram positive bacilli
3.2.1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

4. Laboratory investigation

4.1. Nonspecific markers of infection

4.2. Diagnosis of bacterial infections

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Meeting of Sunday 18/6/1437 (27/3/2015): Malabsorption disorders in children Part A

A huge subject that involves common and rare disorders. The genetic cause of many disorders has been elucidated. As promised in each of the following presentations we will refer to some "real world" publications and their statistical significance.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Meeting of Monday 8/4/1437 (18/1/2016): Case scenarios in pediatric asthma management.

Reviewing and using the NAEPP-ERP3 Guidelines.

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Meeting of Monday 1/4/1437 (11/1/2016): Cow's Milk Allergy

Main pathogenetic mechanisms and clinical presentations.

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Meeting of Monday 24/3/1437 (4/1/2016): Genotyping Hemoglobinopathies

Main laboratory tests helping in hemoglobinopathy diagnosis. The role of genotyping.

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Meeting of Monday 18/2/1437 (30/11/2015): Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

... and other ID topics relevant to our PICU (PPE, ESBLs)

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Meeting of Monday 11/2/1437 (23/11/2015): Discussion of 3 cases in Pediatric Neurology

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Meeting of Monday 4/2/1437 (16/11/2015): Pediatric Hypertension

Definition, causes and initial evaluation.

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