Thursday, May 28, 2015

Meeting of Thursday 10/8/1436 (28/5/2015) Rickets

Part of a section on Calcium and Phosphorus metabolism which will involve parathyroid, intestinal, dietary, renal, metabolic and genetic disorders. This is the first lecture in this series and we will form a basic background that will help us with the rest of these interrelated subjects.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Meeting of Wednesday 9/8/1436 (27/5/2015): Kidney disorders in children Part 4

Disorders with proteinuria
Benign: Transient. Orthostatic.
Fixed proteinuria disorders. Nephrotic syndrome: Idiopathic, Hereditary, Secondary.
Special considerations in congenital nephrotic syndrome.

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Monday, May 25, 2015

Meeting of Monday 7/8/1436 (25/5/2015): Kidney Disorders in Children Part 3

Today we went over the acute nephritic syndrome/ acute (glomerulo)nephritis presenting disorders. We explained more things about the approach to a complete diagnosis when a patient presents with GN. We also discussed some of the recurring light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy patterns. Things will get even more interesting on Wednesday when we'll switch to the mainly proteinuric disorders and nephrotic syndrome...

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday 3/8/1436 (21/5/2015): Short revision of kidney disorders in children Part 2

Evaluation of hematuria.
Causes of recurrent gross hematuria: IgA nephropathy, Alport syndrome, thin basement membrane disease.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday 2/8/1436 (20/5/2015): Short revision of kidney disorders in children Part 1

A short series of lectures on kidney disorders. Today we discussed:
Acute and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis
Acute renal failure

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Monday, May 18, 2015

Meeting of Monday 29/7/1436 (18/5/2015) on Poisonings Part 2

Short reference to most common poisonings/ ingestions in children and their management.

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Meeting of Monday 22/7/1436 (11/5/2015) on Hyperlipidemias

Inherited hyperlipidemias, their clinical presentation and implications on treatment. A reference to:
"Expert Panel on Integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents" (click to download full report in pdf)

Short reference to adult guidelines for hypercholesterolemia management (2013 ACC/AHA)

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Meeting of 15/7/1436 (4/5/2015) on Poisonings Part 1

First part includes:
General approach to child with unknown ingestion. High risk cases. Clinical recognition of common poisoning syndromes (toxidromes). Management of analgesics overdose (paracetamol, salicylates, ibuprofen).

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Meeting of 8/7/1436 (27/4/2015) on Precocious Puberty Part 2

After some revision questions we mentioned some useful details about disorders causing CPP and PPP. Then we had an overview of management and finally we ended with discussing some cases.

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