Monday, September 29, 2014

Meeting of 5/12/35 (29/9/14): Approach to the child with purpura

Dr Nadir Kiddo presented the differential diagnosis of a purpuric rash along with some common case scenarios.

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Monday, September 22, 2014

Meeting of 27/11/35 (22/9/14): Mechanical Ventilation Part C

Third meeting on mechanical ventilation.

We applied the theoretical classification of ventilation modes to one of our unit ventilators, the Draeger Evita 4.  We are going to deal with the SLE 5000 ventilators as well.

We emphasized the confusing terminology in IMV mode of mandatory and spontaneous breaths (which are all spontaneous!!!).

mandatory = full support breaths
spontaneous = partial (PS) support or not supported breaths

Started discussing case scenarios of  neonate with RDS ventilated with lung protective strategy.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Meeting of 20/11/35 (15/9/14): Mechanical Ventilation Part B

Second part on mechanical ventilation. Meeting was held today (23/11). Third part will be completed with SIMULATION SCENARIOS worked out by the staff of the PICU on site on the EVITA 4 simulation software. We will start with simple cases of starting the ventilator and setting a common synchronised mode and move on to more demanding cases of respiratory failure.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Anatomical structures

A realistic real time video.

ETT size and length

Internal diameter (mm) = (Age/4) + 4 for an uncuffed tube
Internal diameter (mm) = (Age/4) + 3 for a cuffed tube

Length (cm) = (Age/2) + 13 for an oral tube
Length (cm) = (Age/2) + 15 for a nasal tube

Friday, September 12, 2014

Scavenger Hunt 01: answers will be discussed 27/11/35

Scavenger hunt participation is welcome but optional. It's best to be completed as team work. No grades, just fun. Questions will be based on useful, everyday, clinically relevant knowledge. It has been found to incite study interest in busy professionals.

Download/view Questions

Draeger Evita 4 Simulation Software and Manual

You can practice with a simulation software to get the hang of our ventilator.
Download the ventilator manual as well.

Download Evita 4 Simulation Software

Download/view Evita 4 Guide

Norwegian guidelines for phototherapy in SGA and preterm newborns

Classic AAP guidelines for phototherapy and exchange transfusion for newborns >= 35 weeks GA

Download/view Phototherapy Guidelines GA >= 35

Download/view Exchange Transfusion Guidelines GA >= 35

Norwegian guidelines for SGA and preterms

Meeting of 13/11/35 (8/9/14): Mechanical Ventilation Part A

Introduction to mechanical ventilation
Basic lung physiology, indications for MV, basic modes of ventilation.

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Meeting of 28/10/35 (24/8/14): Congenital Infections Part A

The new diagnostic model: clinical suspicion, initial evaluation, laboratory confirmation
For each infection remember: basic epidemiological data, usual clinical presentation in the newborn, long term followup, useful diagnostic tests, definitive laboratory isolation/detection of the causative agent.

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